
Your pledge of funds to support the Veterans Museum of the Carolinas will offer significant financial help in running and growing the Museum while continuing the mission of honoring veterans – past, present, and future – and families. Please help in any way that you can.

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Interested in Fundraising?

The Veterans History Museum of the Carolinas runs on VOLUNTEER POWER. As a 501-c3 non-profit organization, there are no paid staff members and only volunteers provide the working force that makes the museum run. We need volunteers to help us with many facets of the Museum’s operations, including fundraising.

You can play a meaningful part in the success of our important mission of honoring veterans and their families by volunteering to assist in important fundraising activities. If you find that our Museum plays an important role, you may want to assist in helping to secure funding to sustain the growth of our efforts. We need donations specialists who can use their communication skills to call potential donors and sponsors for the Museum’s operations and growth funding projects. We also have fundraising events going on at the Museum on a regular basis and help is always needed to organize and assist at these events. Please consider donating your time as a volunteer fund-raiser for the Museum.


Please contact us to learn more about our fundraising opportunities.


CONTACT: Michel Robertson

PHONE: (828) 884-2141

EMAIL: accounting@theveteransmuseum.org

21 East Main St., Brevard, NC 28712